Monday, August 22, 2011

30 in 30: Question #6
Do You Wear False Lashes?

My answers to 30 makeup questions in 30 days! Today's question is:

#6. Do you like/wear false lashes? If yes, strip or individual?

I only wear false lashes for special events, and even then, not always.

Though I've always read that individuals are easier, I never got the hang of applying them- it seemed they were always cocked at the wrong angle or sticking out where they shouldn't. Sure, strip lashes take some practice too; my favorite way to wear lashes is to cut just about a half-inch of the outside edge of the lash and use that at the ends of my own. They're totally simple to apply this way, and though they look natural, they really open the eye up in a way makeup alone can't do.

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